Health Benefits of Consuming Krill Protein Concentrate - Macro Nutrition
Health Benefits of Consuming Krill Protein Concentrate

Health Benefits of Consuming Krill Protein Concentrate


MONSTER MAMMALTM Krill Protein Concentrate Infused Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate is a krill protein concentrate infused protein powder, engineered using premium krill harvested from isolated, freezing Antarctic waters. Our krill is sourced from the middle of the sea to ensure it’s away from the pollutants that could affect its nutritional content and quality; it’s also FOS (Friend of the Sea) certified!

Here are a few health benefits that our krill protein concentrate offers:


Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)


Our body requires nine essential amino acids, amongst the nine, the three most applicable for muscle development are Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. These specific BCAAs play an essential role in helping our body form and combine tissues to create muscles. With the help of these BCAAs, regular training aimed at muscle strengthening and growth becomes more effective and achievable.


Tyrosine and Phenylalanine


Our body functions depend heavily on Phenylalanine and Tyrosine due to their essential nutrition based roles. Tyrosine acts as an essential building block for the neurotransmitters that have an impact on fatigue and mood.


Supplementing MONSTER MAMMALTM Krill Protein Concentrate Infused Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate right after an intense workout can prevent feeling sore and irritated as Tyrosine will help your body gain the lost energy post strenuous exercise. This is one of the main reasons sports athletes require supplements with Phenylalanine and Tyrosine.




Even though our body can produce this amino acid on its own, it still plays a vital role when consumed separately in sports nutrition supplements. This is because alanine has a direct impact on our energy metabolism.


With sufficient Alanine being present in our bodies, the process of product breakdown from our food to energy becomes quick and efficient.


Omega-3 and Astaxanthin


Apart from amino acids, our body requires healthy and essential fatty acids to perform all its functions normally. MONSTER MAMMAL’sTM Krill Protein Concentrate ingredient contains over 30% phospholipids essential fatty acids, DHA and EPA. These fatty acids work as antioxidants for our body that help protect us from inflammation, a general side-effect from intense workouts.



Try It to Believe It

Often it’s difficult to believe the claims we read until we try the product ourselves. That’s why we highly recommend trying MONSTER MAMMALTM Krill Protein Concentrate Infused Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate today to experience exceptional results.


This product’s composition, which includes krill protein concentrate is unlike any other in the market as it’s the perfect hybrid of a krill protein concentrate and hydrolysed whey protein isolate. Due to its abundant and distinct nutritional benefits, it’s the perfect product for all health-conscious fitness enthusiasts.


Visit our website to try the best, first and only krill protein concentrate protein powder.



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